Below is a sampling of alumni and parent testimonials.

Middle School Parent, 2020
“As 8th grade is wrapping up for our daughter, I wanted to share with you our experience at the Cambridge School. Our daughter was a vibrant, confident, spirited child until she entered first grade. We lost her in her first year of public school. She became quiet, sad, lost her spunk, and mostly hated to go to school. This is when she was diagnosed with dyslexia. As I searched on the internet for a new school for my daughter, I came across the Cambridge School and made that first call. Melody answered the phone and was so warm and passionate. I could feel her love through the phone. As my husband and I took that long first ride to visit Cambridge, I had made it up in my mind that there was no way I would let my little girl go to a school so far. That quickly changed when we walked through Cambridge’s doors. I completely forgot how far we lived and knew in my heart this is where my daughter belonged. She started in second grade and the teacher and other students in the class quickly became a family. Within just a short week or two we saw a positive change – we got our girl back!
Every teacher at Cambridge has been a positive influence for Sophia . As you know the play has been such an important part of Sophia’s life, and we couldn’t have hand picked a better director than Cari. Her kindness, patiences and talent are above and beyond! Her experiences with Cari have driven her to pursue her love for acting in high school.
You have Cambridge down to a science that no other school can compare to. The tools you have given to our daughter to help her manage her dyslexia are top notch. You have given her the confidence and education she needs to soar. We will never be able to thank you enough for ALL that you have done for our family!
From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for not only getting our girl back but for giving her the confidence and skills she needs to blossom in high school.”

Middle School Parent, 2020
“Thank you for:
teaching them to read,
teaching them to write,
teaching them to comprehend,
teaching them not to be afraid of a math problem,
teaching them to “think” and solve problems on their own,
teaching them to advocate for themselves,
teaching them how to be a friend,
teaching them how to be kind,
telling me to “let them go” and let them figure it out,
for alway being patient and kind to them,
But most of all thank you for loving my children like they were your own. There is no other school in the world that would do that. Thank you just doesn’t seem adequate! With love and heartfelt appreciation.”

Lower School Parent, 2019
“Cambridge School not only focuses on improving my son’s areas of need but also really puts a huge emphasis on bolstering his individual strengths. My child has grown in a way that he never would have at another school due to this excellent individualized and warm environment. The teachers are highly educated, thoughtful, and nurturing. They provide rigorous academic challenges, as well as the tools and strategies needed to meet those challenges. I am so pleased.

Lower School Parent, 2017
“I vividly remember being reassured when Deb would tell us about Cambridge alum excelling and thriving in high school and beyond. Zac has just started his sophomore year at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, the smallest in the Ivy League. He was accepted with the regular decision pool which had an acceptance rate of just 8% of the applicants, with 95% of his classmates graduating high school in the top 10% of their class. Before he left we had concerns on how he would cope with his dyslexia and perform with so many high achieving students.
First, digressing for a moment, for any parents wondering how he handled the LD on his application, his main Common App essay and Dartmouth Supplemental essay had nothing to do with his LD. He did succinctly disclose it in about 2-3 sentences on the Common App in a section where you can give additional info. Also, his guidance counselor, with our permission, wrote extensively on Zac’s LD and achievements.
When Zac arrived at Dartmouth, he went to the Student Accessibility Services Office with his very recent psych ed evaluation. Zac’s need for accommodations were for extended time and materials to be available in audio format (didn’t use audio though). The process was amazingly simple and the advisor was very enthusiastic and even told Zac about the history of 504 plans. While Zac didn’t use any of the tutoring or support services, he was provided with a list of services he could have utilized if he needed extra support. Zac was and is responsible for telling each of his professors about the accommodation and providing them with his letter from the SAS office. He never had any difficulty with any professor on providing the accommodations. Honestly, the process was less painful than high school!
I am happy to tell you that Zac really rose to the occasion and is thriving at Dartmouth. For his freshman year, he was designated a Rufus Choate Scholar, awarded to those in the top 5% of the class. His overall GPA was a 4.0 and he even set the curve on his midterm for over 90 students in the two sections of his chemistry class. He has not yet declared a major but is leaning towards mathematics (no surprise!) or chemistry and is most likely pre-med. This past winter he shadowed for two weeks in urology and pathology and this summer he did an intensive clinical internship at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical Hospital in trauma.
While Zac is not the most likely to be chosen for a game of Bananagrams thanks to his less than stellar spelling issues, he is thoroughly enjoying his social life at Dartmouth. He still skates regularly and has joined a fraternity founded in 1884. He is an active member of the Dartmouth Outdoor Club, the oldest in the country, and, like most in Dartmouth’s vast community, bleeds green. In fact, Zac was included in a photo from Homecoming in CBS News list of Best Colleges by State.
My many thanks to everyone at the Cambridge School who took my failing, insecure child and helped him flourish. His success is your success.”

Graduate Parent, 2017
“I drove by the old school site the other day and was just flooded with memories of our years as part of the Cambridge family.
I wanted to give you an update on Cole. He is now a sophomore at Wake Forest University. His twin sister, Julia, is there as well. He was admitted early decision after a very successful career at Princeton High School. Can you believe he earned a “5” on both AP English exams. He is in the process of taking all of the prerequisites for admission to the undergraduate business school where he plans to major in Finance. He has over a 3.9 GPA (he received an A- in a health class), and based on his freshman GPA, he was invited to apply for a merit based academic scholarship granted to high achieving students at Wake. He is involved in Greek life and is the philanthropy chair of his fraternity.
I hope that report did not seem too boastful. I really just wanted you to know how well he is doing, as I feel so strongly that Cambridge really launched him in his academic life. Not only did you help him to unlock the barriers he had to traditional learning, but you taught him the value of hard work and perseverance. He still has to work “that much harder” than the person next to him, but he feels that there is nothing he cannot accomplish if he sets his mind to it. The foundation for that attitude was set at Cambridge, and Mike and I are forever grateful to you and Jim and the incredible teachers that he had in those early years.”

Middle School Parent, 2017
“Cambridge School fosters amazing kindness in it’s students. I have been to all of my sons basketball games and I am truly amazed by the sportsmanship and care that the students show when another team’s players gets hurt. In this day and age where kindness and humbleness seems to not exist, it is so nice to know that my child is part of such an amazing community. Cambridge School’s staff and teachers should feel so proud. The school truly embraces the entire child; academically, socially and spiritually. My son has been so lucky to have such a supportive environment.

Graduate, 2017
“This is a school that specializes in learning differences. They are experts at teaching kids, like me, with dyslexia and other diagnoses. Being at this school was a turning point in my education and was the reason for a huge boost in my self-confidence. I realized that there are other people like me. I wasn’t afraid to read in class, to participate, or to make mistakes because everyone was like me. Here, I learned to believe in myself and that even though I am dyslexic, that doesn’t define me. I then learned that I was as capable of learning the skills I would need to be successful in life as any other student. Another thing that changed in my life at Cambridge came with my discovery of theatre, specifically acting. I remember wanting to try out for the musical, but I was unsure of being able to do it. The performing arts teacher encouraged me to audition and I found something I love to this day. It felt that when I acted, I forgot all about the things I perceived as my shortcomings. I could become a different person. It was my get-away! To this day, theatre continues to change my life and how I see what I am capable of doing. My self-confidence today is stronger because of the role theatre plays in my life. It shows me that I can do things out of my comfort zone on stage and that allows me to know that I can do things, despite my learning differences, on and off stage, in the real world. I wouldn’t be at The Pennington School without The Cambridge School. It saved my life. I now see a future with college and a career that I didn’t see for myself before Cambridge. I plan on pursuing a career in fashion. I’ve always loved fashion, but was afraid that I couldn’t compete. In 7th grade, I attended Fashion Classes of New Jersey. I was nervous and thought my learning difference would hold me back, but I discovered that in that setting I excelled and I felt like a normal learner. Now, I attend pre-college classes at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, and when I go into those classes, I never think of my dyslexia. Now I know that I can achieve my dream of being successful in the world of fashion design and marketing.”

Lower School Parent, 2016
“The warm, nurturing and academic environment has transformed our daughter into an avid and successful learner. The school has exceeded our expectations in developing the whole child.”

Upper School Parent, 2016
“The Cambridge School has been a godsend for our youngest daughter. We found the school after two terrifying years in public schools. Our daughter is dyslexic and by the third grade, she still wasn’t reading at all. We enrolled her in the Cambridge School upon a recommendation from a summer school teacher. We haven’t regretted our decision for one moment. The teachers at Cambridge are amazing and the curriculum is structured to support students with language-based differences. Our daughter is currently a sophomore at the Cambridge High School. Her freshman year was our best year yet. The high school curriculum is both innovative and supportive, and the faculty is passionate, experienced, and caring. The small class sizes really allow the teachers to focus on each student’s strengths and challenges. Our daughter is currently working at grade-level in math. Her vocabulary and reading comprehension are on par with the eleventh grade, and she is a strong, skilled and independent writer. We are in awe at how far she has progressed since the third grade. We cannot recommend the Cambridge School highly enough!

Middle School Parent, 2016
“The Cambridge School has completely changed the arc of my son’s academic life. Having just learned of his serious dyslexia in 7th grade (thanks public school!), we were hopeful that he’d join Cambridge and begin catching up. In 1 1/2 school years, he’s not only caught up, he’s beginning to thrive. College is no longer just a possibility, but we have every expectation that he’ll have a strong college experience, with no doors closed on his future. We can’t thank Cambridge enough. The faculty are very highly trained in the most effective methods for teaching students with language based learning differences. But beyond that, all the faculty, staff, and administration are deeply caring and compassionate individuals committed to supporting each student as an individual. It’s hard to overstate how lucky we feel to have found Cambridge.”

Middle School Parent, 2016
“Not only does Cambridge School meet our daughters’ needs academically, it provides them with opportunities for social growth through extra curricular activities making it a true school experience.
They have made wonderful friends as they continue to build their self-esteem, artistic talents, and athletic abilities.”

Middle School Parent, 2015
“I wish every school were like Cambridge School. Every child would benefit from its warm and inviting environment. They stress kindness and being respectful to others. They encourage students like no other school. I cannot say enough good things about it. The increases in her reading and writing are unbelievable.

Graduate Parent, 2015
“From the moment Catherine walked through those front doors she was greeted with open arms, acceptance, patience and a comfortable place to be herself. My husband and I breathed a sigh of relief and quietly watched as Catherine’s smile returned, her confidence and self-esteem were rebuilt, her determination and perseverance once again shined through, and she began learning in a way she truly understands. In the beginning, we would ask ourselves “what kind of magic are they using at Cambridge School?” We soon realized it wasn’t magic at all. It was the incredible talent, knowledge, and passion that each of your teachers and staff members possess. Their willingness to share those qualities with every student and to encourage them to reach higher, strive for your personal best and care about others and the world around you.
Today, my husband and I could not be prouder of Catherine, who she has become as a person, a student, a friend. The possibilities for her are endless. Thank you for believing in her, giving her the gift of an incredible education and for always putting your students first.”

Lower School Parent, 2015
“There are no words to thank you for all that you have done for Andrew. He came to Cambridge with bruised confidence and challenges that had not been supported in an effective way. He leaves you (after only two years) a confident, independent learner, and a happy young man. The successes that you nurtured in your special way will stay with him for a lifetime.
Thank you also for the most touching and personal graduation ceremony that I have ever attended. We got a window into just how you make such amazing progress with your students. In every student speech we could hear how appreciative the students are for their time at Cambridge, how much they grew in every way, how many great relationships they formed. Through the teacher’s speeches to their students, we could see the caring, positive, challenging, patient and fun way that you all guided our children all along.
You should all be so proud of the work that you do every day at Cambridge; it is truly a unique and special school and the students who get to attend are very lucky.”

Middle School Parent, 2015
“We are not accustomed to the incredibly high level of professionalism and compassionate attention that Cambridge provides. For the first time since very early in his school career, he is actually happy to go to school. He’s becoming confident in his schoolwork and is making obvious progress in all the areas that have challenged him so fully these last several years. We are all so grateful for what you are accomplishing with him. You have no idea how you’ve returned to us a sense of hope for his future and created for us a much less stressful present. I only wish we’d known about you sooner. Thanks, from the bottom of our hearts.”

Graduate Parent, 2015
I don’t know how you and the teachers do it, but the magic taking place within the walls and classrooms of your school is truly amazing. You have developed and perhaps even discovered the ability to take children who are frustrated with trying to learn, and introduced them to new ways of learning that includes helping them develop an enthusiasm, passion, and love for learning. What you have achieved is truly magical.
I know it is mainly due to what our daughter experienced during her time at Cambridge School that she has developed into a confident young scholar who has a passion and love for learning today. I also contribute her exposure to your way of learning, as the reason she is soaring and having the successes she is experiencing today at Pennington School.

Graduate Parent, 2015
Lilly is on the Dean’s List of the School of Arts and Sciences at Catholic University of America, Lilly’s excellence in school could not have been possible without Cambridge School! Thank you all for providing such a strong foundation for her education.

Graduate, 2015
It amazes me that because of you (Cambridge School), I can sit and read 40+ pages a night; I can understand broader concepts and have deep conversation about it in class or with my friends, that I can write a 15-page paper, etc. I am currently taking an AP US History and American Literature Course, and I can not only handle the work, but I enjoy it too. So, thank you for everything you’ve done for me during those seven years. It means so much to me, being able to have the opportunity to learn how to read and write with a learning difference. You’ve prepared me for high school, and I’m so grateful.

Graduate, 2014
“To be quite honest, if it were not for you and Mr. Peters, I would probably not be at a college prep school like Pennington, and I know I would not be able to be going to such a strong college like Lafayette. Cambridge is what made me the young man I am today and for that, I thank you. No words can describe or express my gratitude for my ability to attend Cambridge and for you to believe in me. You and Mr. Peters not only gave me a dynamic education, you also gave me a future!

Graduate Parents, 2014
“I can’t thank you and the staff enough for teaching Jake and helping to shape him into the young man he is today. I know it hasn’t always been easy, and I am sure there were times when your staff wanted to just throw in the towel, but the dedication of your teachers and the administration is reflected in everything they do. Someone once said, “everyone is a genius but judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, and everyone will think they’re stupid.” That statement epitomizes the Cambridge School. So often it’s easy to focus in on what our kids can’t do instead of promoting what they can do. All of the Cambridge staff have a gift. They each, in their own way have a wonderful ability to address a child’s area of need while continuing to cultivate a child’s inner strengths and abilities.”